Meeting you at the crossroads of your career or business to discover what’s next and your best path forward

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Coaching Packages Built for Your Crossroads

The goal of working with a professional coach is to maximize your potential by engaging in a thoughtful, co-creative process, with the Coach as a thinking and accountability partner. Together, we will ensure that action steps are created to move you forward from your crossroads and toward your goals.

Three signature packages have been carefully crafted with you in mind. Of course, these packages can be customized based on specific coaching goals.

  • The Focused Path

    A focus on a single goal. Four 1-hour sessions with unlimited email support. One optional additional “lifeline” call at the client’s convenience. Summary recap of the coaching journey and the client’s commitment goals at the conclusion of the engagement.

  • A Longer Journey

    A focus on 2-3 goals. Twelve 1-hour sessions with unlimited email support. Two optional additional “lifeline” calls at the client’s convenience. Summary recap of the coaching journey and the client’s commitment goals at the conclusion of the engagement. Support articles and resources provided, tailored to the client’s goals.

  • Duration: 6-9 Months

    Full Discovery

    A comprehensive, in-depth, coaching journey. Twenty-four 1-hour sessions with unlimited email support. Three optional additional “lifeline” calls at the client’s convenience. Summary recap of the coaching journey and the client’s commitment goals. Support articles and resources provided, tailored to the client’s goals.

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Meet Your Coach

Fueled by an enduring passion for serving others, Jennifer has transitioned her lifelong dedication into a mission. Today, she extends her expertise and experience to offer professional coaching and consulting services, catering not only to the retail, dining, and hospitality sectors but also to a wide array of other industries.

Jennifer's unwavering commitment to your success is poised to make a profound impact. Reach out to her at Next Jenn Coaching + Consulting, and let her guide you toward achieving your professional aspirations.

Are you ready to get started?

The Co-Creative Process

Through coaching, Jennifer works with professionals on their career journey who find themselves at a crossroads. That crossroads may be in the next step they want to take or a career change they want to make. It might be a leadership “gap” that needs further development. Or it may simply be a matter of wanting to elevate from competent to extraordinary.

Together, you draw on your wisdom and your experience as our guide through your coaching journey. This aspect of looking into the strengths and experiences you already have is unique to my signature process.

Are you ready for your path forward?

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Consulting Services

With an extensive background in serving customers, leading operations, and developing high-performing teams, Jennifer collaborates with companies across various service industries. She engages with these organizations to reimagine opportunities and implement growth strategies with a strong focus on people. Jennifer and her clients work in tandem to craft innovative operational processes and enhance efficiency. They assemble and train the teams essential for achieving the desired results.

Jennifer is enthusiastic about the prospect of partnering with your company.

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Let’s discover your next path forward

You’re just a short journey away from a fulfilling career. Together we’ll identify your goals and set a path for you to get there.